
Selasa, 09 April 2013

Vitamin D: Can it Really Keep You Cancer Free?

Can Vitamin D really help prevent you from developing cancer?

Once only associated with strong bones and teeth, new scientific research is finding that Vitamin D can cut your risk of developing common cancers by as much as 50%.

Says Sara Hiom, head of health information at Cancer Research UK, “There is evidence to suggest that the vitamin (Vitamin D) plays a role in keeping cells healthy."

Researchers in the U.S. have found that the “natural” form of Vitamin D, D3 or cholecalciferol, can dramatically cut our chances of getting breast, ovarian, colon, and prostate cancers by up to 50%.

As a matter of fact, researchers are telling us that they have known about the link between Vitamin D and a decreased cancer risk for years.

Well my question to them is this… what has been taking you so long to tell us?

They say that up until just recently, they did not know the levels of Vitamin D necessary to provide this decreased risk.

What current research is now finding is that the optimum amount of Vitamin D necessary to reduce your risk of developing these cancers is 1000 IU. This is two and a half times the Recommended Daily Allowance of 400 IU set forth by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine here in the U.S.

Many experts now believe that the current RDA of 400 IU for an adult is too low and does nothing more than help ward off chronic bone diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis.

Recently, an article appearing in the American Journal of Public Health, after reviewing 63 independent studies, concluded that thousands of lives might be saved each year and thousands more cancers prevented by folks taking supplemental Vitamin D.

Professor Cedric Garland of the University of California in San Diego who led a major study on the relationship between Vitamin D and cancer risk said this, “A preponderance of evidence, from the best observational studies the medical world has to offer has led to the conclusion that public health action is needed."

This public health action he advocates is the education of the public concerning Vitamin D.

What form of Vitamin D is Best?

Remember that your body has the ability to manufacture its own Vitamin D through direct exposure to sunlight. This form of Vitamin D is called Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. This of course is the best form of the vitamin.

The synthetic form is Vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol. This is what is used to fortify milk for instance. It is estimated that it takes twice as much D2 to get the same benefit as Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 can also be found in oily fish such as salmon (3 ounces = 530 IU), sardines (3 ounces = 231 IU), and Mackerel (3 ounces = 214 IU).

Unfortunately not all of us can get the required amount of sunlight necessary to produce enough Vitamin D3.

Some of us have fair skin and need to use sunscreen when we venture outdoors. Some of us have dark skin and do not produce as much Vitamin D3 due to our skin pigment.

And of course, the cold parts of the year can keep most of us indoors or bundled up when we do head outside.

And also unless you eat lots of oily fish, you are not going to get your 1000 IU there either.

Professor Garland warned about the dangers of overexposure to the sun, “Dark-skinned people, however, may need more exposure to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D, and some fair-skinned people shouldn't try to get any vitamin D from the sun. The easiest and most reliable way of getting the appropriate amount (of Vitamin D) is from food and a daily supplement.”

Vitamin Supplements To Take You From Sluggish To High Energy

If you feel like your “get up and go got up and went” it’s time to pick yourself up and find energizing ways to make yourself feel better. One of the reasons we lack energy is because we simply need the right nutrition to add spunk to our step. If you’ve been feeling a bit under the weather, here are some ideas to add to your overall health and nutritional needs:

VITAMIN B12 A deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to anemia. This can lead to tiredness, listlessness and other problems that might deplete your energy. You can buy sublingual B12 for a quick fix and add it to your overall vitamin regimen or you can eat B12 enriched foods which include a large variety of breakfast cereals. Additional sources for Vitamin B12 include milk, eggs and cheese. Include Vitamin B12 in your diet and notice your increased energy within days! Visit your local pharmacy for B12 supplements.

ACAI BERRY - is a little berry that packs a powerful punch. Oprah listed it as one of the top 10 super foods for age-defying beauty. This berry will increase your energy and improve mental clarity as well as many other helpful and healthful benefits! Search for products that list ACAI BERRY as an ingredient; it is a life-changing super food that your body needs! There is presently a flood of health drinks available over the internet that list Acai Berry as an active ingredients. Fruta Vida International and Monavie offer the more flavorful drinks on the market today.

BEE POLLEN - Considered one of “nature’s most perfect foods”, Bee Pollen fights problems associated with allergies, aids digestion, and will quickly increase your energy levels! Check your local Health Food Stores, Wal-Mart, or your local or online pharmacy.

VITAMIN D - If you are feeling run-down, scramble up some eggs for breakfast and grill some chicken for dinner because both eggs and poultry will certainly help to replenish the Vitamin D your body needs to feel energized!

YERBA MATE - In addition to gaining overnight success as an effective appetite suppressant, Yerba Mate boosts energy levels together and makes several other claims to achieving a healthier way to live your life to the fullest! Some drinks that contain Acai Berry also contain Yerba Mate.

In addition to the nutritional suggestions listed above, make sure you are getting the recommended eight hours of sleep per night if you are not at your best. Cut back on caffeine and alcohol intake. Diet changes may be necessary in order for you to experience an overall increase in energy. Stock up on fruit and vegetable juices and take time to fix healthy meals at home instead of grabbing something at a fast food restaurant.

While you try different food sources to increase your energy levels from a nutritional standpoint, implementing a scheduled exercise routine is the other part of the equation. One of the easiest routines to implement is a fitness walking program. Walking will keep you active, increase mental alertness, improve your overall well-being and boost your energy levels!

Vitamin C - What You DON'T Know

The real facts about benefits of Vitamin C may surprise you. First of all what is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. Unlike the oil soluble vitamins such as A and E, Vitamin C cannot be stored by your body. Since Vitamin C is not stored by your body, we need to get it from our diet or from supplements.

But Can't Our Bodies Just Make Vitamin C?

Great question! Most animals have the ability to make their own Vitamin C. And make it they do... lots of it. It is estimated that if we had the ability to make our own Vitamin C we would make between 3000 an 10,000 mg every day... and 3 to 4 times that amount if we were being stressed by infection.

Unfortunately, humans along with guinea pigs, fruit bats and gorillas are the only mammals that need to ingest our daily dose of Vitamin C. The only vitamin we humans have the ability to make is Vitamin D... and we need the sunshine to help us do that.

Some very exciting facts about Vitamin C have sprung up within the last few years. First off, Vitamin C along with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), have been called the most essential of the "essential nutrients." That is, without an adequate supply of these two, you die. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but certainly years sooner than the folks with optimal levels of both in their bodies.

Arrrrr!!! Shiver Me Timbers!

Remember the stories about the sailors of old and the disease they contracted during long voyages called scurvy? Scurvy was nothing more than not having enough Vitamin C in their bodies. Without an adequate supply of Vitamin C, the blood vessels did not have enough collagen to repair themselves. Some of these sailors literally bled to death through cracks in their blood vessel walls.

Fortunately, in 1747 a Scottish doctor got a clue about Vitamin c and linked citrus fruits with a decreased incidence of Scurvy. Towards the end of that century, the Brits began sending along lime juice with their sailors on long voyages. Now you know why British sailors are called "limeys."

Facts About Vitamin C and its Antioxidant Properties

If you've read the section of my site on the facts about Vitamin E, you've no doubt read about what an antioxidant does. If not we can review quickly.

The cells of your body are under a lot of stress... oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when highly unstable molecules called free radicals roam freely throughout your body.

Free radicals are a by-product of not only the normal metabolic processes of your cells but also your environment... things such as air pollution, sun exposure, industrial chemical exposure, ozone, nitrous oxide (from auto exhaust), cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption and so on.

Free radicals damage cell membranes and DNA and can result in changes to your cells that cause life threatening chronic diseases down the road. When your cells are being damaged by these free radicals, we say your cells are experiencing oxidative stress... and one of the facts about Vitamin C is that it is an antioxidant and can significantly neutralize the free radicals and the damage to your cells that cause oxidative stress.

Facts about Vitamin C and Heart Disease

One of the facts about Vitamin C that we feel is most significant is the role Vitamin C plays in the production of collagen.

Collagen is a protein. It is the connective tissue that holds our bodies together and keeps us from falling apart. Collagen is found in your skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, liver, cartilage, bone marrow and blood vessels.

Collagen is essential for the repair of our bodies. Without collagen our bodies don't heal. And without Vitamin C we don't make collagen.

What Does Collagen Production Have to Do With Heart Disease?

Remember the facts about Vitamin C above and the sailors with scurvy? They weren't getting any Vitamin C. So when their blood vessels cracked, no collagen was being produced to repair the cracks.

Why do your blood vessels crack in the first place? Well consider this. Your heart beats about 4000 times every hour. That's 96,000 times a day and 35,040,000 times every year (yes that's million)! The blood vessels of your heart are being squeezed and released that many times as well.

Imagine you were to run over a garden hose laying in your driveway that many times. Do you think it might soon develop some cracks?

Although your body has a difficult time repairing those cracks in the complete absence of Vitamin C (and hence scurvy), most folks in the developed world get just enough Vitamin C to keep scurvy at bay... but not much more.

Problem is, as this sub-optimal amount of Vitamin C in their body is repairing with collagen, it's not quite enough. Your liver then determines that the repairs are not being made quick enough and sets about to produce a special form of LDL called lipoprotein-a.

Lipoprotein-a is very sticky and acts as a putty to fill in the cracks that the lack of collagen left behind. Great right? Leak stopped.

Well the leak is stopped yes, but being as sticky as it is, lipoprotein-a catches and glues down all the other LDL (bad cholesterol) that floats by. This action results in plaque build-up inside the vessel walls and can eventually close off these blood vessels... and we all know what that means!

Facts about Vitamin C and Cholesterol

Can Vitamin C lower cholesterol? A relationship has been shown experimentally between high levels of Vitamin C and low levels of cholesterol. An article appearing in the National Library of Medicine shows that Vitamin C provides the same mechanism for inhibiting the production of cholesterol as do cholesterol lowering statin drugs.

The American Heart Association also reported that Vitamin C lowered LDL cholesterol in children who were predisposed to high cholesterol.

The facts about Vitamin C also show that Vitamin C lowers cholesterol without the dangerous side effects of these statin drugs. Statin drugs have been shown to inhibit the production of another essential nutrient called Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Decreased levels of CoQ10 result in significant muscle myopathy (wasting away). And since the heart is a muscle, statin drugs have been linked to Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).

More Facts about Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's when taken with Vitamin E and cut your chances of having a stroke.

Why is that? Remember the facts about Vitamin C above as an antioxidant? Well, most researchers agree that Vitamin C's powerful antioxidant properties are responsible. By neutralizing the cell damaging effects of those free radicals running around in your body, Vitamin C works to keep your cells healthy and free of damage. And if your cells are healthy, you are healthy!

Vitamin C is also known to protect the immune system. Vitamin C aids in the manufacture of white blood cells. White blood cells destroy viruses and bacteria.

Also remember the facts about Vitamin C as aiding in the manufacture of collagen? Well collagen being the connective tissue that holds our skin together, our skin is what keeps pathogens out in the first place.

Yeah, But I Drink My Glass of Orange Juice Everyday... Well Almost

What are the facts about Vitamin C concerning the amount you should take? Well who do you want to believe? The official U.S. Government RDA for Vitamin C is 60 to 90 mg. Some would argue that this level does nothing more than ward off scurvy. They would also argue that these levels do nothing to prevent chronic, long term, debilitating diseases.

An article in the American Journal for Clinical Nutrition reports on a study done on antioxidant vitamins and coronary heart disease risk. The study looked at 9 other studies which included participation by Harvard School of Public Health and Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Conclusions: "The results suggest a reduced incidence of major CHD (coronary heart disease) events at high supplemental vitamin C intakes."

How high was the daily Vitamin C intake of the 293,172 patients during this ten year study? Above 700 mg!

Ok, But Is Vitamin C Safe?

In an article titled "Vitamins E and C Are Safe Across a Broad Range of Intakes" published in THE AMERICAN JOURNAL of CLINICAL NUTRITION, a large study concluded that Vitamin C supplements of up to 2000 mg per day were safe for most adults. Exceeding that limit could result in gastrointestinal upset or mild diarrhea.

You can learn much more about the remarkable facts on Vitamin C at

Vitamin Supplements for Healthier Living

Each of us needs the proper nutrients to attain and maintain optimum health, but sometimes the nutrients we need are not a part of our daily diet. Therefore, that explains why more than 187 million people in 2005 bought vitamins or dietary supplements to provide the necessary nutrients to their daily diet.

Proper nutrients through diet and vitamin supplements help to build a strong immunity system and thus less illness. In contrast, people with low immunity levels tend to contract many illnesses and often suffer for a longer duration than healthy individuals.

In November 2005, the DSEA (Dietary Supplement Education Alliance) found in a study that seniors live longer and more independent lives when taking vitamin supplements. In addition, further evidence of dietary supplements are acknowledged by the DSIB (Dietary Supplement Information Bureau) who also reported that vitamin supplements help people live longer, healthier lives.

As healthcare costs and health insurance skyrocket, preventive self-care seems to be more widely accepted. Many individuals can benefit from the use of dietary supplements and vitamins. Vitamins can help reduce healthcare costs by billions of dollars. Better health is attained and maintained by dietary supplements thus less illness.

The following dietary supplements may be of value to the immune system:

· Vitamin C provides antioxidant to cells, and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer.

· Vitamin E may reduce free radical damage and cut the risk of diabetes, and cancer.

· Vitamin A helps support mucous membranes, and the skin.

· Selenium may help protect against prostate cancer and is known as an anti-aging nutrient.

· Coenzyme Q10 may help generate energy for metabolism.

· Omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart and the nervous system.

Remember, you still have to eat healthy. Get as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids in your diet as possible. In addition, you can also consider taking a dietary supplement to make-up for what is lacking. Taking dietary supplements is a good way to make sure that you get all the nutrients that you may need.

Vitamin D And…Kidney Disease? The Hidden Connection With Serious Consequences

You may know that the sun and certain foods are good sources of vitamin D. But did you know that due to chronic kidney disease, millions of Americans can't convert the form of vitamin D produced by the sun or found in food and over-the-counter vitamins into the active form of vitamin D used by the body? This means that even if you're taking vitamin D pills, getting adequate sunlight or eating foods rich in vitamin D, your bones and organs may be at risk due to a deficiency in "active" vitamin D.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition in which kidney function slows and the kidneys stop doing critical jobs such as filtering toxins from the bloodstream.

The severity of CKD is classified in stages, with stage 5, also known as kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD), being the most severe. Patients with ESRD require dialysis, a procedure where several times a week for several hours their bloodstream is routed through a machine that filters toxins.

40 million Americans with

or at risk for chronic

kidney disease

Early-stage CKD-before dialysis is necessary-is often undetected and can worsen with declines in kidney function.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, 20 million Americans-1 in 9-have CKD and another 20 million are at increased risk.

So what does CKD have to do with vitamin D, let alone

your bones?

Before the body can use vitamin D, it has to be "activated." Inactive vitamin D-the vitamin D you get in the form of over-the-counter pills, food or sunlight-is activated by two steps, one in the liver and the other in the kidneys.

Then, much like a key fits into a car ignition and starts the engine, activated vitamin D fits into vitamin D receptors located in numerous tissues and systems throughout the body and triggers processes that help maintain bone, the heart, the immune system and so on.

For people with CKD, however, their kidneys' ability to activate adequate amounts of vitamin D deteriorates as their overall kidney function decreases. In fact, people with kidney disease may eventually lose the ability to activate vitamin D altogether.



When levels of active vitamin D are low or inadequate within the body, a serious complication of CKD called secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) can occur. SHPT can lead to a wide range of problems, including damage to bones and many vital organs.

How is SHPT prevented

and treated?

When CKD and SHPT are detected early, the conditions may be managed and disease progression may be slowed.

Remember, people with stage 3 or 4 CKD who develop SHPT cannot convert vitamin D into its active form within their own kidneys. Experts suggest that these patients with stage 3 or 4 CKD and SHPT take an activated form of vitamin D medication-which is available only by prescription-to correct their vitamin D deficiency and thereby treat SHPT. Managing SHPT lowers risk for bone loss or fracture, cardiac complications and dangerous mineral and hormonal imbalances.

Vitamin Supplements in a Liquid World

Every day, it seems like we are living in an increasingly liquid world. I'm not preaching against the evils of alcohol or for a new era of prohibition that will save us from sin and politicians. After all, water is also a liquid, and it rarely inflicts us with either sin or politicians.

But we do expect everything to be excruciatingly easy these days, so liquid is the operating system of choice.

No time to eat? Grab a liquid breakfast and run. Why tie a knot in the umbilical chord connecting your bed to your desk? If you can find a long enough straw, just start slurping as you rise from bed, and smack your lips to the last drop as you whiz out the front door. Bye.

Remember when soap came in bars? Solid bars? Sorry, I guess I'm showing my age. Now everybody uses liquid soap. Yesterday I reached for the soap. No, wait. I reached for the hand cream. Or was it the soap? But what if it is the hand cream? Soap or hand cream? Which is which?

People used to nail siding onto the exterior of their homes. Now they just spray on "liquid siding". It comes in three tasty flavors: siding, ceramic and stucco. Yum.

And now they've taken my little vitamin supplement pills and liquefied them, too.

"Hold on just a minute. How do you know they liquefied the vitamin pills?"

Who said that?

"Are vitamins naturally solid? Or are they naturally liquid?"

Uh. I had to admit that I probably would not recognize a vitamin if I bumped into it in the street ... in which case I have a hunch it might be too big to swallow. Say, who is this?

"Where do you think vitamins come from, anyway?"

I always assumed they came from the back of the corner store in a small town in Indiana, but upon reflection, I suspect they might come from oranges and fish and milk. Who are you?

"Don't you think it's pretty hard to stuff a fish into a hard, little pill?"

I suppose The Voice has a point.

"You drink milk, don't you?"

Yeah, but that's because it's liquid. Suddenly I recalled my dream from just last week. Cow after cow heading into a factory on a conveyor belt. At first I though it was the Annual Bovine Family Reunion, but on the other side of the factory, riding the same conveyor belt, were neatly sealed cartons of milk. Aaargh!

"Squeezed. Like an orange. You drink juice, don't you?"

Yeah...but squeezing a cow?

"Just what do you know about liquid?"

I thought real hard. Everything comes in one of three states: gas, liquid and solid. Gas is like the politicians when they are talking. Liquid is like the politicians when they are hard at work attending cocktail receptions. Solid is like statues of politicians.

Everything comes in either gas, liquid or solid. That is about all I could remember of my high school chemistry. That, and how to explode a partially dissected frog. No, wait. That wasn't chemistry class. Silly me. Why would we have a partially dissected frog in chemistry class. That was that other class. What was it called, again? Oh yes, "home economics".

"Did the frog contain vitamins?"

Not any more.

"Do you think it's easier to pack vitamins into a tiny, hard pill or into a drink?"

I suppose it all depends on what kind of explosive you use. I tried to imagine squeezing a fish into a carton. But fish walking up a conveyor belt seemed just a bit radical ... and even less tasty than freshly squeezed cow. Besides, I might need to buy fishing gear to get my juice from the carton.

"Liquid vitamin supplements are made only from plant ingredients."

That's it. Keep your cow. Keep your fish. Keep your frog...what's left of it. I'm going to for a pure liquid life.

My only question now is: Which one is the soap, and which one is the hand cream? And which one is my liquid vitamin supplement? I don't want to drink the soap by mistake.

Vitamin Supplement To Treat Hair Loss: Zinc

One of the reasons that contribute to your hair loss problem may be insufficient nutrients. If our bodies lack the necessary vitamins, then it is not possible to expect that they will be functioning optimally and healthily. In fact, one of the major nutrients that prevents and treats hair loss is zinc. By understanding how this nutrient relates to hair loss, you can ensure a diet that is helpful in stopping hair loss.

It is known that zinc will add the extra proteins into your system that will then affect hair growth, as well as healthy skin and nails. If you do not have enough in your system, it will cause your hair to stop growing and fall out. Zinc works in relation to the several proteins that are located throughout your body in order to create a support system for your body. Zinc is needed for cell division, in the growth and maintenance of muscles, helps to control oil glands, and is also required for the synthesis of protein and collagen - which is great for wound healing and a healthy skin.

Zinc deficiency not only produces problems with hair loss, but also with changes in the scalp. The scalp may become too dry or flaky and may often times be irritated because of the lack of nutrients. Many have reported that zinc has been shown to be effective in stopping their hair from turning gray. Even when hair is already gray or becoming thinner and balding, zinc can reverse the effects when taken in proper amounts.

It is not surprising that many suffer from zinc deficiency since zinc is destroyed in the milling process and is also lost in cooking. In addition, a zinc deficiency can result in a poor immune system, heightened sensitivities and allergies, night blindness, loss of smell, white spots under finger nails, skin problems, sleep disturbances etc.

Men with zinc shortage may have a problem with fertility, while women may experience irregular periods. Children with too little zinc may have stunted growth and slow sexual maturity.

Thus, zinc deficiency is a problem that you do not wish to have. In your diet, include a variety of foods that contain this nutrient. Wheat germ, yeast, muscle meat, fish and egg yolks are all known for having a high amount of zinc in them. From here, the proteins will be stimulated in the several areas of your body. It is best to have zinc from natural sources.

If, however, you find that you are not able to consume zinc through natural sources, then you can always buy zinc supplements. Instances where consuming zinc from natural sources is not possible include if you have certain food allergies or intolerances. Zinc supplements are readily available in health stores. They can be effective when you take between fifty to one hundred milligrams a day.

Definitely whether you are having adequate sources of zinc in your diet, is an important factor to consider with regards to your hair loss. This is one vitamin supplement that may just work wonders for your receding hair line.

Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements: Avoiding Fad Diet Shams

In this day and age you simply cannot pick up a magazine or turn on a television set without seeing an advertisement for some sort of new diet program or plan. With all of the claims being made in regard to the various diet regimens it can be very difficult to determine what diet plans will work and what diet plans will not be effective. Included within many diet plans are the usage of different types of vitamin and nutritional supplement products.

There are a number of factors that you need to keep in mind when weighing and balancing a diet program that you are considering implementing. In this regard, you will want to take a look at how a diet program incorporates the usage of vitamins and nutritional supplements and at what sorts of claims a particular diet plan makes to its adherents.

Unfortunately, there are many marketing campaigns underway in this day and age that promote vitamins and nutritional supplements in such a way that these products seem like “wonder drugs.” There are many operators who are hawking vitamin and nutritional supplement products with claims that they will work wonders, that they will permit you to undergo a rapid weight loss.

There are, indeed, some products which can assist a person in losing weight rather fast. However, fast weight loss is not always healthy weight loss. In fact, study after study confirms that many people who have experienced a rapid weight loss -- many times using a vitamin or nutritional supplement product -- have ended up regaining the lost weight (or even more) in the end.

They key to incorporating nutritional supplements as well as vitamins into an overall program is to ensure that these products work towards both health and sustained weight loss. In other words, it is vital to avoid fad diets.

Fad diets are not only ineffective in the long run -- these diet plans and regimens can cause serious health problems to an adherent. Once again, it is vital that you avoid those diet plans that make outlandish claims. In the end, weight loss and proper weight maintenance requires healthy dieting, the proper use of nutritional supplements as well as vitamins and regular, appropriate exercise. By combining these three elements of health living, you will be well on your way towards reaching your weight loss goals -- and towards keeping the weight off on into the future.

Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements: Going Natural Or Staying Synthetic

In recent years a growing number of men and women have taken to using natural vitamins and nutritional supplements as opposed to the more traditional, synthetic versions of these products. There are a number of differences between natural and synthetic vitamins and nutritional supplements that should be considered when you are trying determine what type of product will best meet your own particular needs and dieting goals.

Many experts have concluded that natural vitamins and nutritional supplements “work better” in a person’s body. These products absorb into a person’s system easier, according to these researchers. As a result, there are a significant number of nutritional experts who recommend natural vitamins and nutritional supplements because they appear to be more effective in their interaction within a person’s body.

Of course, one of the overall benefits of synthetic vitamins and nutritional supplements is cost. As a general rule, synthetic products do cost less than their natural counterparts. In point of fact, oftentimes synthetic products costs a great deal less than similar natural products. Therefore, a consumer on a budget very well may want to use a synthetic product to save a little money.

In regard to the costs of products, some people would argue that because natural products may be more effective -- because natural vitamins and nutritional supplements may work more efficiently in a person’s body -- the extra expenses associated with these products may pay off over the long run. In other words, because you get “more bang for your buck” with a natural product, the actual costs associated with these products up front may pay off over time as a consumer utilizes these products.

There is some limited evidence that some of the materials contained in synthetic vitamins and nutritional supplements may not be beneficial to a human being over time -- indeed, there is some indication that some of these materials might be harmful over time. The research in this regard is not, as of yet, conclusive. However, there has been a movement in recent years to revamp the chemical makeup of certain synthetic products -- including vitamins and nutritional supplements -- in order to work to ensure that they are in fact healthier for people both in the short and in the long term.

A nutritionist or doctor can provide you with additional information on the pros and cons of natural versus synthetic vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Vitamins – To Supplement or Not To Supplement?

Over half of Americans today take a multivitamin of some kind, believing that it will help them to stave off chronic disease and health deficiencies – but health experts are in disagreement over the necessity of these supplements. Some doctors and nutritionists feel that a multivitamin a day is absolutely critical to a healthy body, while others point out that with a proper diet and exercise vitamin supplementation may be simply redundant.

Some people even take multivitamins or other supplements as a way of replacing the need for a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, or before engaging in damaging behavior such as binge drinking or recreational drug use.

Health experts are largely in disagreement on the subject of vitamin supplements, but on this area they agree – a multivitamin does not obviate the human requirement for a healthy diet. In contrast, many health experts believe that a healthy diet renders vitamin supplements unnecessary, but none suggest that vitamins alone reduce the need for healthy eating.

Some individuals claim that a proper vitamin supplementation regimen can resolve problems ranging from digestive issues to irregular heartbeats, but there are still insufficient clinical studies to conclusively indicate whether a multivitamin is beneficial to most healthy adults.

Ironically, those who use multivitamins the most are generally healthier, more active, and more conscious about their diets than those who choose not to use vitamin supplementation at all. As such, those who would likely see the greatest benefit generally avoid using a vitamin supplement at all.

The major issue that most health professionals have with readily available mass produced multivitamin supplements is their “one size fits all” approach – without individualized testing and custom design for a vitamin supplement program to suit the individual, even when taking a multivitamin there may be a serious surplus of one element despite a significant deficiency of another.

Since people of different age groups, body types, and activity levels all require different types of supplements, it is advisable to get full testing done in order to determine what vitamins really are necessary rather than simply purchasing an over the counter multivitamin tablet.

Vitamins And Minerals Are Health Magnets For Our Body's Circulatory System

Our body’s circulatory system is made up of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries. This circulatory system transports oxygen, nutrients, water and blood throughout our bodies as well as assists in the removal of waste products. Obviously keeping this system in tip top shape is essential to its efficiency and to our health.

One of the things we can do to help keep our circulatory system healthy is to make sure that we are properly nourishing it with healthy diet filled with vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C is responsible for strengthening the walls of the blood vessels throughout the body. This has to do with its role in the production of collagen, which is an essential connective tissue. Copper is a mineral that is necessary for the process of making the body’s connective tissue. Biotin is critical to the health of the circulatory system, as well as to the circulatory system’s performance, as it has a function in a number of essential enzyme processes.

Vitamin E helps to promote the healthy functioning of the circulatory system in a couple of ways. It helps to dilate the veins and it has a role in the controlling of blood clotting. Another important aspect of Vitamin E is its antioxidant properties, something that it shares with Vitamin C. These vitamins, with the help of other antioxidants, serve in the essential capacity of bringing free radicals, which if left unchecked can damage body tissue, under control.

Potassium, long known as being beneficial to the heart also serves other parts of the circulatory system. One important function of potassium is to control blood pressure and fluid stability in the circulatory system. Sodium shares in these important functions of maintaining the blood’s balance and pressure. We hear so much about the negatives of sodium that it’s easy to forget that sodium is, in reality, a mineral that is essential to the body’s functioning, particularly in the circulatory system. The key to sodium is moderation, a little is necessary but too much could be dangerous.

It’s apparent that the circulatory system is essential to a healthy body. It makes sense to support its functions with a diet that meets the recommended daily levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Because the proper balance of nutrients is so vital to the functioning of our bodies and its supporting systems, choose your nutritional supplements carefully. Choosing top quality ingredients will insure that you are doing your body good and not spending money unwisely. Make your circulatory system happy, feed it!

Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements: When Too Much … Is Too Much

There are a significant number of people who utilize vitamins and nutritional supplements in this day and age. In point of fact, there is a notable percentage of these vitamin and nutritional supplement users who utilize more of these products than is recommended. These people espouse the belief that “if one is good, a lot is terrific.” In other words, these people utilize well in excess the recommended daily allowance of a particular vitamin or nutritional supplement product.

In reality, the overuse of certain types of vitamin and nutritional supplements can have serious, negative consequences. A number of these consequences are outlined in this article to assist you in making better decisions in regard to the proper use of vitamins and nutritional supplements.

There are some vitamins and supplements that do not necessarily have harmful effects when used beyond recommend allowances. However, by taking more of these vitamins and supplements, you are not obtaining any additional benefit beyond that which you would enjoy by taking only the daily recommended allowance. In other words, “overdosing” will not cause you physical harm; however, “overdosing” simply will have no helpful or beneficial effects in your overall program for healthy living.

On the other hand, there are certain types of vitamins, minerals and supplements that can be harmful if taken beyond the recommended daily allowance. For example, if you are a man, you need to pay close attention to the amount of iron that you ingest. Too much iron in a man’s system can have serious medical consequences. (Many men who are health conscious avoid taking multi-vitamins that contain iron in their mixtures. Using multi-vitamins can make it more difficult to keep track of what you are taking and ingesting in the way of vitamins and minerals on a daily basis.)

Before you commence a diet regimen that includes vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements, you should take the time -- indeed, you really must take the time -- to consult with your doctor to determine what combination of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements will best serve your needs and best enhance your health. Your doctor can also assist you in selecting the best vitamin, mineral and supplement products or can recommend a nutritionist who can assist you in obtaining the most appropriate and healthy products for your needs and good health. By obtaining professional assistance, you will be able to create and craft the most appropriate overall eating, exercise and supplement program not only for today but for your own health future.

Vitamins And Supplements: Natural Food Stores In The Brick And Mortar World

While more and more traditional grocery markets are now featuring different types of vitamins and nutritional supplement products on their shelves, in the brick and mortar world natural food stores are perhaps the best resources for a wide selection of these types of products in this day and age. In many communities in different parts of the world, natural food stores are becoming more prominent features.

There are a number of definite benefits to making the purchase of vitamins and nutritional supplements at natural food stores located in the brick and mortar world. Perhaps the most significant benefit to be had from making purchases of these types of products at these stores is found in the fact that natural food stores maintain a wide selection of vitamins and nutritional supplements.

In addition to a wide selection of different types of products, these natural food stores in the brick and mortar world generally stock the newest types of products available to consumers interested in bettering their lives through the use of vitamins and related nutritional supplements.

In addition to inventory related issues -- which are important -- many natural food stores in the proverbial real world also maintain a staff of employees who are experienced in being able to help customers make the best possible decisions when it comes to vitamins and nutritional supplements. Through the expert information that these people can provide in many instances, a consumer is able to find and purchase the specific products that will best benefit a person.

Of course, there is a downside to shopping at natural food stores -- specifically, these markets tend to be more expensive than more traditional groceries in the brick and mortar world. Thus, some people tend to avoid natural food stores because of pricing issues. However, while it is true that products in these stores do tend to cost more than in a traditional market, as a rule the merchandise offered in a natural food store is of a higher quality than what can be found and purchased elsewhere. In addition, as mentioned previously, the staff members of natural food stores tend to be far more helpful in selecting the best possible products for your needs than the staffers you might find in other locales.

On balance, there truly are some significant benefits to be had by shopping at a natural food store for vitamins and nutritional supplements. If you have not stopped in to such a market, you would be well served by paying a visit.

Vitamins Are Supplements Acceptable

In a perfect world, children wouldn’t balk at eating a perfectly balanced diet and adults would have the time to create that menu for themselves and the children in their lives. Unfortunately, we live in the real world and perfection is more than a little distance away. So what about those vitamins we need? The alternative to a perfect diet is a regular regimen of vitamin supplements.

Before you grab up the latest, cutest, most expensive or cheapest vitamins you can find, take a minute to evaluate what it is that you expect to accomplish. Start by carefully evaluating your typical daily food intake.

Take a count of the foods you eat over a period of a few days. You may find that you’re getting sufficient amounts of most vitamins simply through your diet. Even a less-than-healthy diet overall may be offset by certain habits – drinking significant quantities of Vitamin D fortified milk, for example. If you typically drink at least two cups of milk each day, you’re probably getting the Vitamin D recommended for a normal, healthy adult.

But what if you realize that you really aren’t getting the vitamins you need? Then it’s time to add a vitamin supplement, but you should be smart about it. For most children and adults who aren’t getting the recommended daily allowances of vitamins, a very general vitamin is probably your best bet. There are plenty of options out there and it really becomes a matter of personal choice. If the kids like some particular brand better than others, that brand is probably fine. Just be sure that it’s providing recommended daily allowances of the top vitamins needed by children.

The same is true of adults, though it tends to be the claims of the manufacturer that grabs the attention rather than the fact that the vitamins are in the shape of a cartoon character. Be wary of any vitamin brand when the manufacturer makes incredible claims. There’s no doubt that having sufficient vitamin intake on a daily basis will make you feel better, but there’s also no doubt that vitamins aren’t going to turn back the clock, give you the vitality of a toddler and make all your aches and pains go away. Be smart about it. Read the back of the bottle to find out what vitamins are actually packed into that little pill. You may be surprised to find the ingredients of the cheapest store brand and those incredibly expensive vitamins are exactly the same.

Vitamins And Smoking Cessation

If you have recently quit smoking, or if you are getting ready to embark on a smoking cessation program – congratulations! You have taken the first steps to improved health and a longer, happier life.

Years of smoking can take quite a toll on your physiology and appearance. Among other things, excessive smoking causes the production of harmful free radicals in the body.

But it is possible to reverse some of this damage, and vitamins play a big part in the healing process. Antioxidants found in many vitamin compounds can eliminate free radical activity and restore your body to a healthy state.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that everyone needs to stay healthy, but smokers have a special need for this compound. Smoking depletes the body of ascorbic acid, so a smoker will need up to three times more Vitamin C than the average non-smoker.

Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron, which means more oxygen in your blood stream. This vitamin even counteracts atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, caused by smoke inhalation.

Smoking can cause bone loss associated with aging to happen at an accelerated rate. It’s common knowledge that calcium works to prevent bone loss, but did you know Vitamin C improves your ability to absorb and use calcium?

Good sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruit, broccoli, strawberries and cabbage.

Folic acid is another important vitamin compound, especially for smokers. This is a B-complex vitamin, and is crucial for lung health. Studies have shown that increasing folic acid intake can reduce symptoms of bronchitis and other lung-related maladies.

Get your folic acid via orange juice or fortified cereal.

Smoking also depletes the body's Vitamin E supply. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that offers protection from dangerous free radicals and can help the body rebuild.

In fact, research even indicates that Vitamin E can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Sources of natural Vitamin E include oils, nuts, seeds, liver, and clams.

In addition to eating a well-balanced diet, many doctors and rehabilitation specialists recommend that smokers and ex-smokers take a good multivitamin supplement to help the body recover from the devastating effects of smoking.

Vitamins and Interactions

Vitamins are good for you, so it stands to reason that getting all the vitamins you can everyday is the best course of action. As a general rule, it’s true that choosing foods rich in vitamins is a good idea. But there are times when more isn’t better, even when it comes to vitamins.

The first thing to keep in mind is that several vitamins have toxic levels. In other words, there is a point at which consuming more vitamins is not only unhelpful, it can be dangerous.

Vitamin K helps the body clot blood. If you get a cut, your blood’s natural tendency to clot will keep you from bleeding to death. But there are some people who have blood that clots too readily, or who have health issues that require thinner blood. Some people with specific types of heart problems may actually be on medication designed to thin the blood. Doctors may also prescribe a blood thinner for a patient getting ready for some types of surgeries. If thinning the blood is your doctor’s goal, taking a Vitamin K supplement or eating foods that are particularly rich in Vitamin K may be dangerous.

If you’re taking an aspirin each day, your body may be experiencing a Vitamin C deficiency. Studies have indicated that Vitamin C is typically absorbed by blood cells, but aspirin in the system may block this normal absorption action.

If you need more iron in your body, you may want to consider increasing the amount of Vitamin C in your daily food intake. It seems that having enough Vitamin C in your system makes your body more readily absorb iron, tackling that anemia problem more quickly than taking iron alone.

If you’re taking antibiotics, particularly over a long period of time, your body may have trouble absorbing sufficient amounts of Vitamin A. If you’re taking drugs to lower your cholesterol, you may also experience Vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin E and Zinc work hand-in-hand. If your body has lower-than-normal levels of Zinc, you may also have a Vitamin E deficiency, even if you’re eating healthy. Vitamins C and E also work together.

There are a number of other interactions that can occur between vitamins, or between vitamins and other conditions, minerals and drugs. Remember that it is possible to overdose on some vitamins, and some can cause serious problems with medication, diet and existing health problems. It’s best to talk to a health care professional before you start or alter your daily diet or vitamin intake.

Vitamins, Nutritional Supplements And Work Out Routines:developing Regimen For Healthy Living

Over the course of the past couple of years, the news media has been awash with reports of the increasing number of people around the world who are obese and who are not eating proper diets. In addition, innumerable news stories recount the fact that many people get little or no appropriate exercise on a regular basis whatsoever. Perhaps you are a person who has not undertaken any sort of exercise routine in recent times. However, perhaps you have made the decision to start leading a more healthy life and to that end you are inclined to develop and commence a work out routine.

If you are interested in rounding out a workable and beneficial workout routine, you might want to consider utilizing vitamins and nutritional supplements as a part of that program. On many levels, developing a beneficial program for healthy living is like putting the pieces of a puzzle together.

In addition to including the piece of selecting the right foods to eat, you will also want to develop a solid work out routine. One method through which you can smartly link up the diet and the exercise portion of your healthy living plan is through the use of vitamins and nutritional supplements.

When it comes to vitamins and nutritional supplements, these products can have a two prong effect on assisting you in your trek towards a healthy life. First of all, these products directly benefit a person when they properly are utilized. Secondly, these products can enhance your work out performance and efforts.

For example, if you elect to utilize a nutritional supplement that provides energy or fuel (one that is appropriately balanced between carbs and protein) you will be able to have the energy necessary to undertake a hearty work out. In addition, through the use of certain vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements, you can enhance your muscle mass and your cardio-vascular health.

Of course, before you begin any diet or exercise program, it is necessary for you to consult with your doctor. You must keep in mind that dieting, exercise and the use of vitamins and supplements is serious business -- it is not something you need to take lightly. You must seek appropriate professional guidance before you embark on any program that involves dieting, exercise, as well as vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Vitamins Supplements - Multi Vitamin Pills

Our bodies are living organisms that need a constant supply of essential nutrients in order to generate new cells, ward off disease, and remain healthy. When we take a multivitamin supplement it makes up for the nutrients we don't get from the food we eat.

Do I need take a supplement?

Theoretically, a balanced diet will provide with essential nutrients. In reality it is hard to achieve.
These are days of multitasking. Unfortunately, it spares us little time to grab a nutritious bite and exercise. Stress takes its toll. Contrary to our belief we are not eating right , leave apart the exercise. Years of depletion have robbed our soil and consequently its produce of essential nutrients. Hence, we have to look for supplements to fill in those gaps.
Our bodies are living organism that need a constant supply of essential nutrients in order to generate new cells, ward off disease, and remain healthy. When we take a multivitamin supplement it makes up for the nutrients we don't get from the foods we eat. If we are missing these nutrients we can build up deficiencies that can lead to all sorts of health problems- for example cardiovascular disease, problems with the immune system problem, even cancer.

Who needs supplement?

Recent research says that all adults and children can benefit from a multi-vitamin supplement.
Supplements help maintain health and vitality as age advances. Lactating mothers, adolescents and pregnant ladies need extra nutrition.
Our nutrition reserve often lacks in calcium, magnesium iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Iron deficiency is common in girls and ladies.
Smokers are low on Vitamin C.
Strict vegetarians and elderly people need to replenish B12 vitamin as it wards off anemia. Ladies on oral contraceptive pills and alcoholics are short on B and C vitamins.
Ladies should take a folic acid supplement before and during pregnancy to prevent birth defects.
People with kidney disorders have less of vitamin D in their system.
Multivitamin supplements contain several vitamins or minerals instead of only one vitamin or minerals. Some vitamin or minerals yield more benefits when they are taken together with some other vitamin or minerals.

For example

* Vitamins C and E are more effective when taken together.

* Taking selenium increase the heart-healthy effects of vitamin E.

* Vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid are most beneficial when taken together.

* Calcium and magnesium work better when taken together.

Supplements are extra to your nutrition and should remain that way.

Vitamins Nutrition Supplements - Are They Really Needed?

Are vitamins nutrition supplements really needed? Vitamins nutrition supplements should be considered nutritional substances that provide health benefits. Ideally, these benefits will have been proven by clinical studies.

What we consume each day is important, and eating a balanced diet makes sense. Assuming that happens on a regular basis, one problem today is that nutrient values of foods have been declining for decades due to soil depletion. And as for what we eat, for example, the USDA food pyramid recommends consuming 2-1/2 cups of vegetables a day for women and 3 cups a day for men. In reality, most adults just do not consume these minimum amounts, and thus the need for high-quality vitamins nutrition supplements for optimum health.

Quality nutrition supplements are much more than just vitamins and minerals. The bodies of both women and men need and will use a wide array of anti-aging natural supplements such as amino acids, antioxidants, bioflavanoids, neuronutrients and specialized substances such as L-Carnosine, alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-Carnitine. Vitamins nutrition supplements products that support the health of the heart, eyes, brain, immune system, joints and so on are being proven by studies on an ongoing basis.

Today, we live longer, and we want those extra years to be active ones full of energy and health. The basis for good health is a lifestyle that includes a sensible diet with vitamins nutrition supplements, sufficient quality sleep, moderate exercise and weight management.

High-quality, anti-aging nutrition supplements help fill in the gaps everyone will have in their diet. The essential nutrients that the body needs are extensive and complex. Vitamins and minerals are just the beginning. Other nutrients that provide significant anti-aging benefits are the key to improved energy, better health and freedom from disease.

The best vitamins nutrition supplements cannot be the one-a-day type and the reason is simple. One tablet cannot hold all that's needed in necessary quantities as it would be way too large to swallow. One-a-day vitamins are probably a waste of money as studies have shown. When trying to design your own supplement plan, however, it's easy to end up with a dozen or more individual substances to take daily, which is both a hassle and costly.

And women really need a different vitamin formula than men. Women's vitamins nutrition supplements should contain nutrients proven to support the balancing of female hormones for women in their 30's and beyond. Men's vitamin supplements should contain ingredients that support male prostate health.

Fortunately, there are manufacturers that provide quality vitamins nutrition supplements at reasonable prices. One manufacturer even has the individual ingredients linked to the relevant clinical studies. Before spending your money, be as informed as you can about the nutrient products you'll be taking every day.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch Publishing

Vitamins Vitamins Vitamins!!!

Can you imagine that calcium supplements can do a lot for our health? Well some people choose not to believe this fact, but it can be beneficial to you. The calcium supplements don’t only help in giving strong teeth and bones. Ever heard of coral calcium? Me neither, but apparently it can help quite a bit in preventing many diseases like osteoporosis. Of course be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage as to much of something can be very harmful. That is the main thing when taking supplements, be sure to take the recommended dosage I can’t say that enough.

You have many different choices when you take the calcium supplement. Before there we did not have the luxury of all of these choices. The supplements come in sachets, as powder, as liquid aside from your traditional capsules and pills. That fact can cater to those who have their particular preferences, so there’s no excuse here! There is something for everyone.

Though, you will get more of the benefits if you consume the supplement in liquid form. Of course like any other supplement. So think about that before you decide what form of the supplement to get. Still powders, sachets of tea and capsules are more convenient in our daily life’s to take. You will still get some of the benefits of the coral calcium supplement either way. But if you have the time and want to take the liquid form go ahead; it would be even better for you.

It’s great that scientist and manufactures have come up with better ways for us to stay healthy and making sure we get the right nutrients that we need. So take advantage of this, it can improve you health and prevent diseases at the same time. What’s so bad about that?

Vitamins for Health Vitamin C

Most people associate Vitamin C with the ability to fight off colds and infections. There’s a medical basis for that association because Vitamin C is known to be necessary for a normal, healthy immune system.

While Vitamin C intake is fairly simple to accomplish today with either foods rich in this vitamin or Vitamin C supplements, that hasn’t always been the case. Scurvy was once a real health concern, associated with low levels of Vitamin C in the body. The problem was rampant in areas of the world where fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin C content were rare, or where people couldn’t afford to have those vegetables as part of their daily menu.

Oranges and other citrus fruits are among the more common food sources of Vitamin C. The papaya is probably the fruit with the single highest natural Vitamin C content. A medium papaya provides more than the daily recommended allowance for Vitamin C for any normal, healthy person.

Because most people associate Vitamin C with citrus fruits, you may not realize that there are some other non-citrus sources of Vitamin C. If you simply don’t like oranges or grapefruit, you can still find fruits that are high in Vitamin C to add to your diet. Strawberries and cantaloupe are among those fruits. There are some other foods that are also good sources of Vitamin C, such as peppers.

Vitamin C has also been found to be a natural antioxidant, meaning that it helps the body fight off specific health problems and diseases and may even slow some of the signs of aging. Some people think that Vitamin C will keep you from getting a cold, but the vitamin’s natural aid to the immune system is the only real aid when it comes to colds. Instead of taking Vitamin C after you’re coming down with a cold, the best course is to be sure you have sufficient levels of Vitamin C all the time.

An important fact about Vitamin C is that the body doesn’t store this vitamin as is the case with some vitamins. That means that you need to give your body new sources of Vitamin C daily to be sure the body maintains a sufficient Vitamin C level.

Most professionals seem to agree that getting Vitamin C naturally is best. But if you’re not getting sufficient amounts of this important vitamin, vitamin supplements are a good idea. Manufacturers have met the demand for more options when it comes to vitamins, including Vitamin C. You’ll find tablets, drinks and chewables, all packed with enough Vitamin C to keep your body ready to fight off the infections that naturally come your way.

Vitamins For Health

The word 'vitamin' has its root in 'vitamine' that means vital amine. Vitamins are powerful organic compounds found mainly in the food that we eat. Vitamins are essential for all human beings because they help cells and tissues to perform basic functions. Basically, vitamins are required for the growth of the body.

There are two types of vitamins- the water soluble vitamins and the fat soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins are also called hormones. All the commonly known vitamins are water soluble vitamins, of which vitamin C or ascorbic acid is the most common. Earlier it was believed that all these vitamins belong to one group called B complex as they were all found in the same source. Later they were categorized as different vitamins.

Vitamin A, B1, B3, B5, B9, D, E, H, K, P, Choline and Inositol are some of the other vitamins. Few of these vitamins are known by their biological names, like vitamin B1 is known as thiamine and vitamin H, Biotin.

Vitamins form an essential component of the balanced diet that we eat. People with chronic illnesses are advised to take vitamin supplements by their doctors. Pregnant women and people suffering from bowel disorders need to watch out their vitamin intake. Bowel disorder retards the absorption of fat soluble vitamin. Folic acid is prescribed for a person suffering from thalassaemia. Patients with pernicious anemia have to be given injections of vitamin B12 because of its acute deficiency in their body.

We need small amounts of these vitamins on regular basis to help the body function smoothly and remain healthy. These vitamins help the organs to carry out their individual functions. In the absence of these vitamins, our body falls sick and suffers from vitamin deficiency diseases. There are enough vitamins present in our foods but if we don't eat a balanced diet the external supplements will do the needful.

Vitamins are useful and mandatory for the body, but excess of everything is bad. Even vitamins taken in excess can cause severe damage to the body. For instance, the body needs only 400 to 800 units of vitamin D in a day. If this amount is exceeded, too much calcium gets absorbed by the bloodstream, which can damage the kidneys. Moreover, supplements can never replace the healthy diets, so it's better to take vitamin-rich diet than take supplements.

Last word of caution: Do not take vitamins by gathering information from here and there. Consult your doctor. Remember, little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Vitamins: Fat Or Water Soluble?

Vitamins are organic substances essential in small amounts for the body's normal growth and activity. They are obtained naturally from plant and animal foods. Vitamins have two classifications, fat- or water-soluble, depending on the materials in which they dissolve.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins:
Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E and K. These vitamins are stored in the body's fat tissues before they are absorbed in the blood stream. Because the body stores these vitamins, it is not always necessary to get a fresh supply each day. Caution should be used when taking fat-soluble vitamins to avoid the potential of harmful, toxic levels.

Fat-soluble vitamins are required for the maintenance of healthy bones, skin and hair and for bringing nourishment to the cells. Vitamin A is essential for vision, especially night vision. Vitamin K is essential for the formation of blood-clotting proteins.

The major dietary sources of these vitamins are green leafy vegetables, deep orange or yellow fruits and vegetables, cod liver oil, sardines, butter, egg yolks, fortified milk, almonds, wheat germ, peanut butter, corn oil, sunflower seeds, and liver.

Water-Soluble Vitamins:
Water-soluble vitamins include B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and vitamin C, as well as folic acid and biotin. Water-soluble vitamins, unlike fat-soluble vitamins, are not easily stored in the body and are often lost from foods in the cooking process. It is therefore important to include these vitamins in a daily dietary regimen.

B vitamins are involved in fat and protein breakdown. The B vitamins are required for healthy nervous system function, healthy skin, hair, eyes and liver function. Some of the B vitamins require other B vitamins to work correctly in the body.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is important to the body in the production of collagen, creating connective tissue and supporting our organs. Other functions include protecting the fat-soluble vitamins and preventing scurvy.

The major dietary sources of these vitamins are cereal grains, meat, poultry, eggs, fish, milk, legumes and fresh vegetables. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, guava, red bell pepper, papaya, orange juice, broccoli, green bell pepper, strawberries, cantaloupe, tomato juice, mango, potato,
cabbage, tomato, collard greens, spinach, Brussels sprouts, turnip greens, cauliflower, blackberries, and blueberries.

Vitamins, Supplements And The Importance Of Water In A Healthy Diet

If you are a person who is interested in developing an appropriate diet for health living, there are three items that you should include in your overall eating regimen:

-- vitamins
-- nutritional supplements
-- water

The foundation of a diet for healthy living needs to be appropriate food choices. You need to eat an appropriate balance of fresh fruits, vegetables and low-fat meat products. You need to avoid food items that contain trans-fats as well as refined, processed sugars.

Once you have established the appropriate menus for your overall plan for healthy living, you will want to consider how vitamin and other nutritional supplements can support your food selections and choices. It is vital to keep in mind that vitamins and nutritional supplements are not designed to replace healthy food choices. Rather, these products -- as the moniker “supplement” indicates -- are designed to supplement your basic, healthy food choices and selections.

Along with proper food choices and the addition of vitamins and nutritional supplements, drinking an appropriate amount is absolutely necessary to maintaining an appropriate weight and to pursuing a healthy diet, a diet for healthy living.

As a general rule of thumb, an adult who is not significantly overweight should consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water each and every day. (Soft drinks, coffee, milk and other beverages are not to be utilized as part of the total water intake amount. However, some herbal, decaffeinated teas can be used towards your overall water intake count on a given day.)

A person who is overweight will need to consume more water. Some experts suggest that (in addition to utilizing vitamins and nutritional supplements) a heavier person should take in not only the base eight glasses of water daily but should also drink an additional 8-ounce glass for every ten pounds he or she weights over and above his or her “ideal weight.” Of course, if a person is morbidly obese, there is a line of water consumption that cannot be crossed. You can only consume so much water -- however, you do need to bear in mind that the more you weigh, the more water that you will need to drink each and every day.

Finally, in addition to using vitamins and nutritional supplements to enhance any workout or exercise regimen that you include in your overall healthy living plan or scheme, you need to increase your intake of water when you do exercise.

Vitamins Are Supplements Acceptable?

In a perfect world, children wouldn’t balk at eating a perfectly balanced diet and adults would have the time to create that menu for themselves and the children in their lives. Unfortunately, we live in the real world and perfection is more than a little distance away. So what about those vitamins we need? The alternative to a perfect diet is a regular regimen of vitamin supplements.

Before you grab up the latest, cutest, most expensive or cheapest vitamins you can find, take a minute to evaluate what it is that you expect to accomplish. Start by carefully evaluating your typical daily food intake.

Take a count of the foods you eat over a period of a few days. You may find that you’re getting sufficient amounts of most vitamins simply through your diet. Even a less-than-healthy diet overall may be offset by certain habits – drinking significant quantities of Vitamin D fortified milk, for example. If you typically drink at least two cups of milk each day, you’re probably getting the Vitamin D recommended for a normal, healthy adult.

But what if you realize that you really aren’t getting the vitamins you need? Then it’s time to add a vitamin supplement, but you should be smart about it. For most children and adults who aren’t getting the recommended daily allowances of vitamins, a very general vitamin is probably your best bet. There are plenty of options out there and it really becomes a matter of personal choice. If the kids like some particular brand better than others, that brand is probably fine. Just be sure that it’s providing recommended daily allowances of the top vitamins needed by children.

The same is true of adults, though it tends to be the claims of the manufacturer that grabs the attention rather than the fact that the vitamins are in the shape of a cartoon character. Be wary of any vitamin brand when the manufacturer makes incredible claims. There’s no doubt that having sufficient vitamin intake on a daily basis will make you feel better, but there’s also no doubt that vitamins aren’t going to turn back the clock, give you the vitality of a toddler and make all your aches and pains go away. Be smart about it. Read the back of the bottle to find out what vitamins are actually packed into that little pill. You may be surprised to find the ingredients of the cheapest store brand and those incredibly expensive vitamins are exactly the same.

What Are HGH Supplements?

Human Growth Hormone, also known as HGH, is a complex molecule composed of 191 amino acids. HGH is released from the pituitary gland of our brain in pulses. HGH is usually released from this part of the brain during the first phases of a deep sleep. HGH is then converted in the liver to make proteins that are vital to repair damaged tissue and bones. This is why HGH is typically injected into patients of burns and those recovering from surgery since it speeds up the healing process. Also because of its healing effects, may body builders take extra HGH in the form of supplements, whether it is through injections, oral sprays, pills, or powder form.

HGH supplements are known to improve strength and training effects, but it is debatable as to whether or not these HGH supplements are safe for your body. HGH is one of the most wonderful substances for longevity, strength and health. However, it has been said that it is only wonderful if you create it yourself the way nature intended you to, rather than putting extra into your body. HGH supplement shots are expensive and they usually don't measure up to the results one gets from a good training program. Through a vigorous and a push-you-to-the-limit work out, you can produce enough HGH to save you several thousands of dollars on injections. Injections and HGH supplements are usually just for people looking for a shortcut, which, depending on who you are, can sometimes be a good thing.

It is only fair to list here some of the results that people who were involved in an HGH test received from taking HGH supplements. Some of these effects took 3 months to show up in those taking the test. Increased muscle mass and strength was the obvious result. Since their bodies were getting more HGH, they were repairing damaged muscles from weight training faster. Obviously, along with more muscle came less body fat. Some reported having more skin elasticity and a better skin texture. New hair growth was reported, but rare (and usually on body parts other than the scalp). An improved sexual function and potency was gained by some (by both men and women) and an improved memory and mood was also reported.

We All Need These Vitamins - Vitamin B12 And Folacin

During the last years the vital importance of vitamin B12 and folacin for our health has become more obvious. Perhaps you have heard that folacin is important during pregnancy. Deficiency can cause severe damages to the fetus. In the USA and other countries one has added synthetic folacin to prevent damages to the fetus.

Also B12 is of importance as both vitamins are interacting to have an effect. Both vitamins have great importance even in other cases. The risk of developing dementia are for example bigger if you suffer from a deficiency of one of these vitamins.

Vitamin B12 and folacin are important for every cell of the body. B12 and folacin interact in vital functions of all cells. For example they are necessary for the cells to divide and grow in a normal way. That is why they are of great importance for the growing foetus.

The first symptoms of deficiency can also come from the cells that divide too fast, for example blood cells and the cells of mucous membrane. The symptoms will result in a type of anemia often combined with a read tongue and shear mucous membranes in the mouth.

Both vitamins are also necessary for the nerve system to function well, for the nerve cells and for the signal substances that transmit the nerve impulses. If not treated this kind of deficiency can cause permanent damages of the nerves.

A deficiency may occur as a result of an inability to absorb B12 from food and in strict vegetarians who do not consume any animal foods. As a general rule, most individuals who develop a vitamin B12 deficiency have an underlying stomach or intestinal disorder that limits the absorption of vitamin B12. Sometimes the only symptom of these intestinal disorder is subtly reduced cognitive function resulting from early B12 deficiency. Anemia and dementia follow later.

Characteristic signs, symptoms and health problems associated with B12 deficiency include anemia, fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Deficiency can also lead to neurological changes such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Additional symptoms of B12 deficiency are difficulty in maintaining balance, depression, confusion, dementia, poor memory and soreness of the mouth or tongue.

Many of these symptoms are very general and can result from a variety of medical conditions other than vitamin B12 deficiency. It is important to have a physician evaluate these symptoms so that appropriate medical care can be given.

What are the B Complex Vitamins?

There is much discussion about the B complex vitamin and how it is essential for the body to perform a multitude of functions. However, the B complex vitamin is not just one big complicated vitamin, as the name may imply.

There are actually eight B vitamins in the B complex vitamin as well as a few other related substances. The eight vitamins that make up the B complex vitamin are: thiamine or vitamin B1, riboflavin or vitamin B2, niacin or vitamin B3, pyridoxine or vitamin B6, cobalamine or vitamin B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin. Related substances also in the B complex vitamin include choline, inositol and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA).

Each component of the B complex vitamin has its own individual role within the body, yet it is when they work jointly as the B complex vitamin that they provide fundamental maintenance for the body to stay healthy. As B vitamins are water soluble, it is essential that an adequate amount of these vitamins are consumed on a daily basis. The body cannot store water soluble vitamins; this leads to a regular intake being required.

The B complex is of assistance for a number of health conditions and additional quantities may be needed at certain times in a person’s life. Of course, there is a recommended daily allowance for the B complex vitamins that varies according to the sex and age of a person. Still, doctors and other health professionals have found benefits to increasing the intake of the B complex vitamin to help overcome certain illnesses.

Research has determined that the B complex vitamin can be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety and stress. If a person has been unwell and is fatigued, the B complex vitamin can be extremely valuable in aiding the recovery process. Fatigue can be a symptom of a multitude of illnesses as well as simply overdoing things but the B complex vitamin can help lessen general tiredness and lethargy in either case.

Interestingly, some skin conditions, such as dermatitis, may also benefit from addition B complex vitamin intake. In fact, a number of creams and other skin preparations contain added vitamin B complex that can be absorbed by the skin to alleviate the condition. Remember that since B vitamins are water soluble they are needed daily and you will understand how these creams and preparations could be beneficial.

What You Need to Know About Zinc Supplementation

People tend to consider zinc when they have a cold. Taking zinc supplements and lozenges won't cure a cold, but they can boost your immune system so that if you do develop a cold it won't last as long or develop into a more serious condition.

Oysters have the highest zinc content. However, meats, such as liver, chicken, and turkey are also excellent sources of zinc so that it is rare that people have a deficiency. Dairy products also contain significant levels of zinc. Vegetarians do not consume meat and are at greatest risk of zinc deficiency. In adults, an insufficient amount of zinc in the body can result in changes in the condition of the hair and skin, and a loss of appetite. Others who may have difficulty absorbing zinc include individuals in the hospital who receive nutrients through a feeding tube, alcoholics, and women who take birth control pills.

The recommended amount of zinc that individuals should consume is 15 milligrams. This amount is found in most multivitamins, so if you don't consume the foods that are sources of zinc or it has been discovered that you have a zinc absorption problem, taking a multivitamin should be sufficient to obtain the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of zinc. The case for taking a multivitamin with zinc makes sense because zinc is not stored in the body and you need the minimum every day.

Zinc has been discovered to assist couples with fertility. High doses of zinc (50 milligrams) can result in an increase in semen. Zinc supplementation is particularly beneficial in men who have a low sperm count. In women, zinc supplementation can make conception more likely by affecting the levels of hormones in the body.

This method of fertility treatment is one that should not be undertaken without first consulting a medical doctor. High doses of zinc supplements can affect the body's ability to absorb copper, a mineral that is necessary for a healthy immune system. High doses of zinc can also lower the amount of high-density (good cholesterol) in the blood. Zinc supplementation may not be a good idea if you are taking medication.

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What are Healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplements from Seal Oil

Our bodies require a well-rounded diet, which includes essential fatty acids. However, our bodies can only manufacture 1 of the 3 essential fatty acids we need, which is Omega 9. Our bodies cannot manufacture the essential fatty acids we need, so we have to make sure that the many sources available are included in our diets. Seeing that our diets are so high in Omega 6 already, and many doctors are suggesting that the Omega 3:Omega 6 ratio is anywhere from 1:20 to 1:40, where it should be at 1:1, the easiest way to increase your Omega 3 intake is with supplements.

Below is an explanation of the three types of Omega 3 supplements available on the market today.

Flax Oil

Flax oil is a non-marine source of Omega 3 and contains the Omega 3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the body needs and cannot make for itself. Several other sources of ALA do exist, most notably walnuts and hemp seed. However, because flax only yields ALA, which then must be converted into EPA and DHA by the body, it is not an effective source of Omega 3 for the following reasons:

·Converting ALA into EPA and DHA is not very efficient, especially as one gets older

·Bodily conversion of ALA results in low levels of EPA and DHA

·Flax oil contains no DPA, the third main component of Omega 3

·Flax oil is high in Omega 6, something our bodies do not need

The estimated rate of ALA to EPA and DHA conversion ranges from 5% to 25%. This means in order to make sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA, one would need to consume 5 to 6 times more ALA than you would if you were to use fish oil alone.

Fish Oil

Whether you are eating fish or taking fish oil supplements, fish has been known to contain numerous health benefits, especially fatty species that are rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids. Proven benefits range from lowering triglycerides and blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, to the more subtle effects of reducing chronic inflammation. Fish oils provide a direct source of EPA and DHA. There are, however, some problems with fish oils:

·High in Omega 6

·Low levels of DPA

·Fish are susceptible to chemical pollutants and dioxins in the water

Seal Oil

Seal oil is one of the best and most direct sources of EPA, DHA and DPA, the third component of Omega 3. While DPA is present in some fish and fish oils, the levels are much lower than seal oil, about 1/5. Seal is oil has been determined to be the best source of Omega 3 for the following reasons:

·Seal oil contains the highest levels of DPA (up to 10 times more than fish oils)

·It is chemically similar to the Omega 3 found in our bodies

·Seals can filter out chemical impurities better than fish

Unlike both flax and fish oil, seal oil has only traces of omega 6, and may be one of the best Omega 3 supplements to reduce the imbalance of Omega 3:Omega 6.

Water Soluble Vitamins B and C and their role in the body

What are vitamins?

A vitamin is a small molecule that your body needs to carry out a certain reaction. Vitamins are essential in small quantities for all body functions including growth, repair of tissues, and the maintenance health. Most of us get enough of vitamins from our food, but it may be necessary for some people to take a vitamin supplement, because an ongoing shortage of vitamins will lead to failed health, weakness, susceptibility to disease.

The body needs at least 13 different vitamins to function properly: Vitamin A - Retinol; Vitamin B complex (B1 - Thiamine; B2 - Riboflavin; B3 - Niacin; B6 - Pyridoxine; B12 - Cyanocobalamin; B9 - Folic acid; B5 - Pantothenic acid; H - Biotin); Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid; Vitamin D - Calciferol (can be obtained through sunlight); Vitamin E - Tocopherol; Vitamin K - Menaquinone.

There are two types of vitamins: fat soluble (dissolve in fat) and water soluble.

Water soluble vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed by your body. These vitamins - vitamin C and all the B vitamins - need to dissolve in water before your body can absorb them. The water-soluble vitamins your body doesn't use are removed by your kidneys and come out in your urine. Because of this, your body can't store these vitamins in any significant amounts, so you need a fresh supply of these vitamins every day to avoid depletion. You can't really overdose on water-soluble vitamins, unless you take truly massive doses.

Water-soluble vitamins are easily destroyed or washed out during food storage or preparation. Proper storage and preparation of food can minimize vitamin loss. To reduce vitamin loss, refrigerate fresh produce, keep milk and grains away from strong light, and use the cooking water from vegetables to prepare soups.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

Vitamin B1 stimulates the appetite, aids digestion and the absorption of food, promotes growth in children, increases resistance to infection, essential for the proper functioning of the heart, nerve tissue and muscles. Age, fever, exercise, and weight gain all increase the need for this vitamin.

Lack of vitamin B1 may cause slower heartbeat, poor appetite, intestinal and gastric disorders, nervousness, poor lactation in nursing women, enlargement of the adrenals and pancreas, nerve degeneration, mental confusion, muscle weakness, wasting, edema and beriberi (disease of the peripheral nerves).

Food sources of Vitamin B1: fortified breads, meat and fish, liver, whole grains like wheat germ, cabbage, carrot, pineapple, celery, grapefruit, coconut, lemon, parsley, pomegranate.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 helps release energy from foods, is good for the skin, for the healthy functioning of gastrointestinal tract, promotes good vision and. Aids in the assimilation of iron and aids in proteins metabolism.

Lack of vitamin B2 may cause May Retard growth in children, lack of stamina and vitality, digestive disturbances, cataract, loss of hair, reduced tissue respiration or exchange of gases between the tissues and the blood, tongue ulceration, cracks at corners of mouth, dermatitis around nose and lips, eyes sensitive to light.

Food sources of Vitamin B2: meat, eggs, dairy products, grapefruit, apple, apricot, cabbage, carrot, nuts, spinach.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B3 helps the body turn food into energy. It aids in digestion, promotes normal appetite and healthy skin and is important for nerve function.

Lack of vitamin B3 may cause skin disorders, diarrhea, weakness, mental confusion, irritability.

Food sources of Vitamin B3: red meat, liver, poultry, fish, fortified hot and cold cereals, peanuts.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) is involved in energy production; aids in formation of hormones.

Lack of vitamin B5 may cause fatigue; nausea, abdominal cramps; difficulty sleeping.

Food sources of Pantothenic acid: liver, kidney, meats, egg yolk, whole grains, legumes.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 is important for the brain and nerves to function normally. It also helps the body break down proteins and make red blood cells and helps body use fats.

Lack of vitamin B6 may cause skin disorders, dermatitis, cracks at corners of mouth, irritability, anemia, kidney stones, nausea, smooth tongue.

Food sources of Vitamin B6: potatoes, bananas, seeds, nuts, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, spinach, fortified cereals.

Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

Vitamin B9 helps the body make red blood cells, break down proteins, and keep the heart healthy, prevents birth defects of spine and brain, lowers homocystein levels and thus coronary heart disease risk. It is also needed to make DNA.

Lack of vitamin B9 may cause anemia, smooth tongue, diarrhea.

Food sources of Folic acid: dried beans and other legumes, leafy green vegetables, asparagus, citrus fruits, poultry.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps to build DNA, aids in development of normal red blood cells, and is important for nerve cell function.

Lack of vitamin B12 may cause pernicious anemia, anemia, neurological disorders, degeneration of peripheral nerves that may cause numbness, tingling in fingers and toes.

Food sources of Vitamin B12: fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs.

Biotin (Vitamin H)

Biotin helps release energy from carbohydrates; aids in fat synthesis.

Lack of Biotin may cause fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, depression, muscle pains, anemia.

Food sources of Biotin: liver, kidney, egg yolk, milk, most fresh vegetables.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is needed to form collagen, a tissue that helps to hold cells together. It aids in wound healing, assists in bone and tooth formation, strengthens the blood vessel walls, is vital for the function of the immune system, improves absorption and utilization of iron and calcium, and contributes to brain function. It also helps prevent nutritional ailments such as scurvy.

Lack of vitamin C may cause rapid heartbeat and respiration, shortness of breath, general weakness, tendency toward disease of the heart and blood vessels, headache, tooth decay, sore joints and bones, peptic and duodenal ulcers, impaired adrenal function, scurvy, difficulty in knitting broken bones.

Food sources of Vitamin C: cabbage, cucumber, grapefruit, orange, lemon, papaya, parsley, pineapple, radish, spinach, tomato, turnip, carrot, rhubarb.

What Good Can Be Found in Bacteria?

Acidophilus is also known as Lactobacillus Acidophilus. It is the good bacteria. This is one of the probiotics normally found in the human intestines. They are essential in antibiotic therapy. There are studies that show the function of the good bacteria as an immunity enhancer. It is essential in the maintenance of normal level and consistency of other bacteria in the body. It is normally found in the gastrointestinal tract and vagina. They are used in treating several health problems and illnesses.

Acidophilus are made as drug supplements. It is available in different forms such as pills, granule or powdered formulations, suppository, liquid formulation, douche and capsules. Some dairy products contain acidophilus as well.

Current Western medicine has a different use for Acidophilus. Traditionally and culturally, it is used as herbal supplements. However, you need to consult a primary health care worker if you will be using this. You should ask professional advise first if you are going to take them as a supplement. Even though they are basically harmless, some people have a different reaction with the said bacteria.

It also helps treat different digestive disorders. It gives relief to the people that suffer from IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. It controls diarrhea. It relieves flatulence and decreases gas in the stomach as well. It is a good treatment for vaginal infections and urinary tract infections. It can also be used to cure bad breath problems.

Pregnant and breast feeding mothers are not allowed to take Acidophilus without the doctor's permission. People with sensitivity to drugs must also consult to experts first before taking the drug. Other than this, there are no noted restrictions.

This bacteria is of great help to human beings. They can treat illnesses naturally as they are normally present in our bodies.

What In The World Is Ambrotose?

Ambrotose is used as a nutritional supplement. It helps your body’s immune system and aids in digestion. It is a derivative of the Aloe Vera plant. The Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its healing powers.

The 4 elements of a healthy body are:

1.Amino acids and proteins
2.Fatty acids and nucleic acids
3.Vitamins, minerals and trace elements

Today we will talk about the group of elements known as Carbohydrates:

For years many people thought that protein was the most critical element needed for the body to heal itself. However now research has uncovered a new ingredient in the mix. Carbohydrates. In recent years carbohydrates have been studied minutely this study is called glycobiology. This study has given rise to the emergence of important saccarides needed by our body known a Glyconutrients.

Carbohydrates and sugars are taken in by the body and then broken down into simple sugars. The body uses these sugars to produce energy. This is the single function that carbohydrates and sugars have. This fact was what scientists have thought for a long time. However new research has been conducted on carbohydrates and has proved some surprising factors about this group of saccarides.

Why does your body need Glyconutrients?

Due to several factors our food is not supplying us with enough of this critical nutrient known as Glyconutrients. These factors include changes in the environment, green harvesting and general bad eating habits. Stress can also play a part in contributing to our decline in health.

It can take a number of years for the body to show signs of deterioration but eventually this will lead to a decline in your health. Often the onset is insidious and you are not aware of the gradual downward turn in health. However over a period of time you will see that you are not as healthy as you could be and sometimes it is hard to know why. Many times this general weakening in health is due to the fact you are getting less Glyconutrients.

How do these Glyconutrients work?

The body’s important binding and signaling receptors of the cells is made up of glycoprotein (sugars and proteins) these sugars are the saccarides known as Glyconutrients. These nutrients are essential to communication between the body’s cells. Glyconutrients have been found to increase the activity of certain enzymes. These enzymes are used as blocking agents, which prevent toxins and harmful bacteria or viruses from penetrating the cells. The enzymes also act as suppression agents, stopping abnormal development in cells.

Ambrotose as a health supplement: How can it help you?
Mannatech has developed a supplement called Ambrotose Complex.
Ambrotose is a nutritional supplement, which provides Glyconutrients to the body it was developed in 1996 and is growing in popularity as a nutritional supplement.

As more research is done on Glyconutrients Ambrotose will be seen as an increasingly important health supplement necessary for the maintenance of your health and wellbeing. You will not only feel better when you take this supplement you will be able to enjoy a more active and fulfilling life.

Note: Glyconutrients nor Ambrotose are not intended to heal, treat, or cure any disease.

Why Take a Vitamin?

Despite the fact that people are living hectic lifestyles more than ever, they are following a more healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis. You might wonder if the recommendation by the health industry to take a multivitamin every day is still valid in light of the trend of people becoming healthier. If you are eating a variety of foods, there's a good chance you are getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs to perform routine functions to keep your body healthy. However, you're not completely out of the woods.

When you use heat to cook your food (grill, fry, bake), the heating process removes some of your food's beneficial nutrients. In addition, if you are plagued with stress or you if you are taking medication there's a chance that you are losing a significant amount of vitamins and minerals that you consume. Taking vitamins on a regular basis can increase your chances of getting all the nutrients your body needs.

The benefits of taking vitamins go beyond meeting the recommended dietary allowances. How healthy you are depends on more than just diet and the amount of exercise you obtain. There are other outside factors that can predispose you to develop certain health issues. For example, how much of a risk you have for developing cancer of heart disease is largely dependent upon whether or not others in your family developed these conditions. For some time it was believed that an individual had very little recourse in these situations. Studies conducted by Harvard University researchers revealed that taking a multivitamin every day can reduce an individual's risk to develop these conditions.

To determine your specific needs, you should visit your doctor for a complete evaluation of your dietary needs. Your doctor will be able to recommend the type of vitamins that are best for you. It may very well be the case that a common multivitamin is all that you need. If this is the case, you can visit any nutrition center or grocery store and find aisles of multivitamins. While these preparations will contain the same basic set of vitamins, the amount of each will differ. You can determine which preparation is for you by considering which nutrients you lack. For example, if you're not a fan of milk products, you may want to choose a multivitamin that contains more calcium.


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